Seth MacFarlane produced the American animated television series Family Guy for Fox Broadcasting. The show follows the dysfunctional Griffin family, made up of parents Peter and Lois, as they navigate their daily lives in the fictional town of Quahog, Rhode Island. The show has been a staple of television animation since its premiere in 1999, and it has since become one of the most watched and longest-running shows of its kind.
These Family Guy characters said some of the funniest and most outrageous things over the years, but what is the highest-rated Family Guy episode? Many viewers agree that one episode stands out above the rest, making it a tough choice.
The variety of episodes, which span from slapstick humor to more serious stories, is one of the show’s most cherished features. As the show has progressed, fans have come to expect high-quality episodes from the series.
With that in mind, here are the highest-rated Family Guy episode according to IMDb.
Trigger Warning: Spoilers Alert
Road To The Multiverse
The highest-rated Family Guy episode is the season 8 episode “Road to the Multiverse,” according to IMDb.
This episode has a 9.2/10 rating, making it one of the most beloved installments of the series.
In it, Stewie and Brian use a special device to travel to different universes and explore the alternate realities of Quahog. They meet versions of themselves in alternate universes, along with many unusual and funny characters. Some of the funniest and most bizarre things ever seen on television were said and done by these Family Guy characters, known for their irreverent comedy and brilliant pop culture references.
“Road to the Multiverse” is widely recognized as one of the series’ best episodes ever. It features some of the show’s funniest gags, as well as memorable scenes and quotes.
The Empire Strikes Back
Family Guy’s “The Empire Strikes Back” episode has 9.2 out of 10 IMDb ratings, making it one of the show’s highest-rated episodes.
In this episode, Peter Griffin and his family travel to the Star Wars universe and are thrown into the classic battle between the Rebel Alliance and the Empire. They must use their wit and courage to make a daring escape and save the day. With plenty of pop culture and sci-fi references, this episode is sure to thrill and entertain viewers of all ages.
Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story
Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story is a three-part Family Guy special that aired in 2005. The episode focuses on Stewie’s search for his real father and features various characters and storylines. It’s one of the most watched episodes of the series and has a 9.2/10 rating on IMDb thanks to positive reception from viewers and critics.
Stewie Kills Lois
Family Guy’s Stewie Kills Lois episode has an IMDb rating of 9.0/10, making it one of the series’ highest-rated episodes. In this episode, Stewie attempts to exact revenge on his mother, Lois, by trying to kill her, only to be foiled by his ineptitude. Meanwhile, Peter and Lois try to repair their marriage, and Peter discovers his hidden talent for painting.
Discovering the Highest-Rated Family Guy Episode of All Time
Overall, it is difficult to determine the highest-rating Family Guy episode due to the various rating systems in use. However, it can be said that the episode “Road to the Multiverse” is widely regarded as one of the most popular episodes and has garnered positive feedback from critics and fans alike. It is also the episode that has been nominated for multiple Emmy Awards, making it a good contender for the highest-rated Family Guy episode.