Thanksgiving filter on Snapchat or Turkey filter is for all the people who are celebrating Thanksgiving this year. Since people love turkeys and everyone wants to use the thanksgiving lens on Snapchat I decided to write on the Turkey Snapchat lens.
What is Turkey Filter lens in Snapchat?
Turkey is literary the symbol of Thanksgiving. Hence several people decided to release this awesome Snapchat lens. There are actually several filter on Snapchat which are related to thanksgiving. I will try to cover the most important one.
Thanksgiving by JP Pirie
Please keep in mind that I haven’t sorted these lenses from best to good. However, in this thanksgiving filter, your whole face will be converted into a cooked Turkey. Actually it is that turkey is served on a plate. Even though this filter is a bit creepy it can surprise someone. You can find the Thanksgiving Snapcode in the first image of this post Image.
You can also unlock turkey filter Snapchat by clicking HERE on your mobile device.
How to Get Thanksgiving filter on Snapchat
1. Open Snapchat Application on your Mobile phone.
Don’t have Snapchat app? No worries browse Snapchat website and learn how to install the SnapChat app.
2. Click on Search Bar (Assuming you are already logged in to your Snapchat account.)
3. Search for the terms ”Thanksgiving“.
4. Scroll down to lenses and find Thanksgiving by JP Pirie.
5. Tap on Thanksgiving by JP Pirie.
6. See yourself from front cam through Snapchat. Your new friend will be there.
Don’t forget to check out our other Snapchat Lenses.