My Family Wizard App for Co-Parents

My Family Wizard App is for all the fathers and mothers in the world who are looking for a proper way to communicate with their family. This app is very useful if you are in the Co-Parenting category. Co-Parenting also called joint parenting or shared parenting. Simply this is the situation of raising kids as a single parent after a divorce. Hence it is very difficult to handle a child as a co-parent it is always recommended to use a good co parenting app as My Family Wizard App. If you like this app make sure you introduce Brain out app for your children.

What is My Family Wizard App?

This app is officially named as Our Family Wizard app. However, as a co-parent it is very convenient to use “My” instead “Our”. In this app, you can manage and control all the activities of your child. Simple you will be able to divide your kid’s time without hurting their freedom. This is another co parenting app which can improve communication between co-parents.

What are the features of co parenting App?


In your Our Family Wizard App calendar section there are two main colors. Default colors are purple and light green. (You can change the colors). Purple represents Co-parent A while light green represents Co-Parent B. Using the color coding you are able to easily mark child’s appointments with you. For example, if your (Parent A) kid has a dental appointment, you can mark “Visiting Dentist” on the required date by using Purple tile. Simply it will give you a clear view of family plans.

Message Board

Message Board is another awesome feature of My Family Wizard App. Using this you will be able to privately communicate with the other co-parent. It has more features than the normal email or text. It can identify the respondent’s reply tone before sending the message. This message board app is very secure. No one is able to edit the messages.


Journal is basically a shared diary between the co-parents. Also, this awesome feature will help you to record last-minute schedule changes. If there are trust issues between the parents this app will let you use check-ins to verify the parent’s presence and exchanges and public places.

Expense Log

Well, it is normal to have financial trust issues between co parents. Most often money is the reason for the harsh co parenting situation. By using Our Family Wizard you will be able to reduce these financial trust issues. It will give you a simple way to manage share expenses. It has features like attaching receipts, generating reports ETC.

my family wizard app expenses
my family wizard app expenses

Info Bank

You can store important information about the child’s family background here. However, it is recommended to save information such as insurance, media record, medical details, emergency contact, and doctor’s number.

How to download Our Family Wizard App?

While you can access My Family Wizard app through online it is very easy to keep the app installed on your phone. Following are the official download link for both Apple iOS and Android.

Since app are available for free in both Play store and App store there is no need to give APK urls.

Thank you for reading our article on My Family Wizard App AKA Co parenting app. If you have any concerns and questions please comment below. Also if you loved the article please share it among your friends. They might love it too.

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